Flowable Foundation Certification Exam

Our certification program allows professionals to demonstrate their expertise in Flowable. Attendance at a Flowable training course is required to take the test. Please note that this is not a training session but a registration for the certification exam.


You are required to have attended a Flowable training course in order to take this test.


Flowable is a powerful low-code platform designed to model advanced workflows with greater efficiency, saving time and resources. By receiving the Flowable certification you show a deep understanding of how to build and deploy workflows within the Flowable platform.

Whether you are a client, partner, or consultant, with an officially recognized Flowable certification, you can be confident knowing your way around the world of Intelligent Business Automation.

By signing up here, you will be able to take our Flowable Foundation Certification exam. We will provide you with a link to our certification upon sign-up. You can start the exam anytime within the advertised slot. You will then have one hour to complete the exam.

You can find more information about the program here. Please make sure to check our Certification FAQ before you sign up. Do you have any questions? Contact us via certification@flowable.com.


  • Good grasp of Flowable and the BPMN, CMMN and DMN standards
  • Deep understanding about Flowable concepts such as Apps, Definitions, Identity Links and Hierarchies 
  • Knowledge about the Flowable Platform 

We reserve the right to reject registration that do not meet this condition. In exceptional cases, the test can be performed without prior training. Please contact certification@flowable.com to check if you are eligible.