Getting Started with Flowable Modeling

Get your toes wet and learn everything you need to start writing your first Flowable applications.


Conquer the world of low-code!

Dive deep into the world of business and case modeling standards with Flowable! In this course, you will learn everything you need to start modeling your executable business processes and business cases. Interactively learn the official BPMN, CMMN, and DMN standards and use them to support the Flowable platform.

Who is this course for?

  • Business analysts
  • Business process modelers
  • Form designers
  • Developers


  • Basic understanding of information technology and business process management.

Learning Goals

  • Understand the basics concepts of the CMMN, BPMN and DMN notation.
  • Become familiar with the Flowable applications.
  • Demonstrate the ability to model basic requirements in Flowable using the CMMN and BPMN notations.
  • Learn to utilize Flowable Form Models to design simple user interfaces and create a basic data model.
  • Understand how access to Tasks, Processes and Cases can be controlled through Identity Links.


Session 1

  • Short introduction of Flowable Product Line
  • Essential Flowable concepts
  • Flowable Good Practices
  • Flowable project management
  • Flowable App and Model Management

Session 2

  • Basics of Modeling with CMMN
  • Basics of Forms, Variables and Validation
  • Process Modelling with BPMN

Session  3

  • Combining BPMN and CMMN
  • Entity Links
  • Cases vs. Processes
  • Flowable Pages

Session 4

  • Business Keys, Status and Instance names
  • Flowable Security
  • BPMN Events

Session 5

  • Introduction to DMN
  • Multi-language Applications
  • Additional topics on request